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Available Courses & Memberships

SOAR Mentorship [Monthly Membership]

Mentorship + Community = SOAR

Find growth, balance, and support as a family-focused entrepreneur through SOAR Mentorship membership program. 

Content Planning Made Easy

Struggle with what to post about?

The Content Puzzle is a unique way to learn how to create content that generates more traffic and revenue for your online businesses. 

Use your content planner (included in the challenge) to make a clear map of topic ideas so you can move on to recording videos, live stream trainings, create social media posts, or blog posts with clarity.

The Pinability Workshop [2024 Update]

Ignore all the rumors that Pinterest is dying. Learn how to create a profile that generates traffic and sales! Get the strategy even if you're seeing a slump or you've ignored your Pinterest.

Creative Printables Workshop

Time to diversify your revenue streams? Digital products are always high profit, because it's essentially design it once and put it up for sale. Learn how to design your own planner, journal, workbook, or worksheets in this self-paced, on-demand workshop. 

5-Day Virtual Assistant Challenge

Skip the fluff and learn exactly what you need to build a virtual assistant business. The 5-day challenge helps you get started and connected with your first client!

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